The World to Rights Podcast

by Payne & Preston

Hi! We're Chris (he/him) and Kat (she/they), otherwise known as Payne & Preston. We're two best friends stumbling through life, and we're the co-hosts of the World to Rights Podcast. Kat was actually the one who first came up with the idea for the podcast, back at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in April 2020. It took Chris another nine months to get his act together, but in January 2021, we finally got the podcast started.

Podcast structure

We always wanted our podcast to be something that everyone would be able to enjoy listening to, so we decided that we wouldn't restrict ourselves to just talking about one thing.

Many of our episodes are more light-hearted... we go in with the best of intentions and yet still somehow normally end up off on some tangent. In these episodes, we often also turn to talk about the music we've been listening to over the last weeks, picking our favourite songs which go into the "Our Fresh Picks" playlist.

We also like to sometimes talk about an issue we feel is important and worthy of discussion, to educate ourselves and raise some awareness. We call these our "Real Talk" episodes. We often have guests on these episodes, who help us explore the issues and add another perspective. So far, we've discussed issues like mental health and our personal struggles, as well as what it's like to be a woman in 2021.

We're really proud of everything we create, and we'd love for you to come and check it out!


We release the podcast each week in both video and audio form! The video episode is uploaded to our YouTube channel weekly. Meanwhile, the audio version is hosted by Podbean, and therefore should be distributed to all the major apps automatically. Here are some links to just some of the places you can find us:

Our RSS feed is:

If we're not on an app you use, then please get in touch and we'll look into getting it on there!


We promote each episode with some clips (usually funny) and share them to our Instagram and TikTok. They're worth a watch, each one is a maximum of a minute and gives you a flavour what we've been up to on the podcast that week.

Our Fresh Picks

We also share a weekly playlist for the podcast, called "Our Fresh Picks." We make an effort to make sure we talk about smaller artists as well as more established ones, and all the music we discuss and recommend is music we genuinely enjoy. You can check out the playlist below!

Do you have a track you think we'd enjoy listening to? We'd love to take a listen. Please send it our way on social media or by email, and we'll check it out!

Get in touch!

Are you a listener, have an enquiry or want to send us your music? Please get in touch, we'd love to hear from you!

To get in touch with us personally, or find out a little more about us, you can check out Kat's Linktree or Chris's Carrd site.

Otherwise, you can contact us:

By email: [email protected]
On Instagram: @world_to_rights_podcast
On TikTok: @worldtorightspodcast